Understanding Your SDG&E Bill
To better understand your SDG&E bill, review the sample bill below. We've created numbered descriptions that help identify your usage and charges. Hover your mouse over each number to view more details.
Are you a CCA customer?
You will continue to receive your bill from SDG&E. This bill includes charges from SDG&E and your CCA provider.
Sample SDG&E Bill

Usage history bar graphs show how your current energy use compares with the previous month and the same month a year ago. This can help you track your energy-saving efforts.
Your maximum demand is the highest amount of electricity used at one time for the current billing period (Monthly) or for the current and prior eleven billing periods (Annual).
Payment options include brief descriptions with contact information so you can choose the most convenient way to pay your bill each month.
Breakdown of current charges features a circular chart summarizing the main parts of your energy bill, followed by an itemized list.
Your electricity dashboard shows the following usage info to help you with your energy management habits:
- Highest usage hour pinpointing this month’s peak.
- Total kwH use during your Pricing Plan time periods (if applicable)
- Time-of-use periods (if applicable)
Time of Use (TOU) bills will display your electricity use by time periods, which may help you take advantage of lower-priced (off-peak, super off-peak) hours.
Managing Your Bill
There are a number of factors that can impact your bill. We’ve put together tips, resources and programs to help you manage your energy usage and bill. Visit josephmillerdds.com/myenergy to learn more.
Additional Information
For details about the charges listed on your bill, look for the “Definitions” and “SDG&E Policies and Notices” sections at the end of each bill, or visit josephmillerdds.com/mybill.
Frequently Asked Questions
An estimated bill is generated by SDG&E based on estimated usage rather than actual usage. This estimation may occur for various reasons, such as:
Communication issues with your meter
Access problems preventing meter reading
SDG&E uses historical usage and/or recent usage to provide the most accurate estimate possible for your bill.
If your bill is estimated, you will find the word “Estimated” next to your usage in the “Detail of Current Charges” section of your bill, which is generally on page 2 or page 3.
Yes, you still need to pay your bill even if it is estimated. Estimated bills help keep charges regular and prevent a larger bill from building up, which could lead to service interruption if not paid.
If actual usage is received and it is less than the estimated amount, any extra payments will be credited to your account and automatically applied to your corrected bill. If actual usage is received and it is more than the estimated amount, the incremental amount owed will appear on your corrected bill.
If you are enrolled in any discount programs such as the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program, Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) program, and/or the Medical Baseline program, your discount will still be applied to the estimated bill and any subsequent corrected bills.